Happy Pride Month! (I came out to my husband, eep!)

💐Heather💐 • 1 💙 1 💝 4👼🏻 & 1🌈 💙

I recently allowed myself to be totally honest and it felt great! I’ve come to realize and acknowledge that I am, in fact, 100% unapologetically bisexual.

I’ve always found women to be gorgeous. I’ve appreciated their beauty inside and out, but never allowed myself to give it much thought. I assumed it was a simple, but not pure, attraction. However, I finally, FINALLY sat with myself and truly considered it. I explored it... and here I am, OUT to my dear husband. ❤️💜💙💚💛🧡

It was an awkward moment. I sat beside him on the couch, watching TV, turned to him, and quietly blurted out that I am far more attracted to women than I had ever imagined or let on. My heart was racing and my biggest fear was him feeling as if he were not enough. He smiled, and asked slyly if that meant I’d leave him for a woman, I chuckled at his use of humor in a tough situation, and reassured him that no, I am not. I asked if he had any questions or concerns and he said only if I was going to run away. (🙄 goofball!) The conversation didn’t continue on as our older children came into the room, but he pulled me close, kissed my forehead, and whispered that he loves me. That was his love language for acceptance and an unbroken bond❤️

It feels wonderful to be true to myself! This is ME and I am PROUD!