Thursday at 8pm I went in for induction with the plan to deliver vaginally without an epidural or an...

Thursday at 8pm I went in for induction with the plan to deliver vaginally without an epidural or any other pain medication. My induction began by having a bulb inserted into my cervix. When inserted it is small and resembles a catheter then they inject the bulb with a fluid to make it blow up. Contractions started at 10:45pm. I managed to fall asleep for a couple of hours. My bulb was removed around 9am Friday morning and I was 5 cm dilated. Around 12pm they started me on Pitocin. From there I labored beautifully for 18 more hours breathing through incredibly strong contractions. The entire l&d floor was talking about how amazing I was and how they had never seen someone labor like I did with nothing for pain. In total I labored for 32 hours until I was told that baby wasn't coming and I needed a c-section. I was terrified. But I got through it. Obviously doped up to the max. But my sweet boy is so worth everything I went through. As soon as I heard his first cry I cried and lost my breath. All I could do was gasp for air doped up on 5 doses of epidural medicine and 2 doses of Phetenol which was also injected into my epidural. I was so out of it. But we still got to do skin to skin right away and I breastfed as soon as we were wheeled into the recovery room. My son, Kalil, was born on September 26 at 7:07am. He weighed 8 lbs 10 oz and was 20 inches long. We are so in love with this little boy!