Mean anything?? Normal?? 34 weeks 2 days.


- really sore, hard to sit up or lay on either side. (As if like I have worked out for days straight and just stopped)

- constant strong aching pains on my lower sides and a little on my back. that nothing helps with (I’ve tried heat, ice, baths, Tylenol etc)

- more pressure down below than there was before (I’m sure this is normal but idk 🤷🏼‍♀️) especially when I sit down to pee

- a lot more discharge

- 0 hunger. I could go days without eating rn (I don’t tho of course)

I have a doctors appointment Thursday so I’ll bring it all up then. Just wanna know if other people feel this way too currently. If people think it means anything or what?? 🙃😩