Pregnancy & Prison Relationship Advice/Support


Hey ladies, so as you know I’m pregnant i’m 31 weeks me and my fiancé were/are very excited! Only down fall is my fiancé got locked up here recently and this is week two (2) without him. & it has been extremely hard for me. Especially considering until we figure out this lawyer thang he will be stuck in there until his next court date in September & not to mention after that he more then likely will do more time after that:( Our son is due in August! He’s all I have and now to know he more then likely will not get to finish out this pregnancy with me and experience the birth of our child is very overwhelming and put me into a deep depression adding on to the anxiety I already have. Anyone have any advice to make it any easier in this situation? Anything will be appreciated. I feel like if maybe I can talk to someone about it it could possibly make it a little bit better. Also please note don’t bash him by saying “if he cared and loved us like we thank he did he wouldn’t have put himself in the situation for this to happen” because that’s not the case at all. He was 17 when this went down and he is now about to be 20 so our son and I were not in the picture when this happened he was young and dumb. So please be nice :)