
Ok, so I’ve been seeing this guy on and off for about 2 months now. Nothing serious, So I thought. Since day 1 he’s been saying I’m gonna be his queen, I’ll be his wife one day and so on. Well since I’ve met him we only hung out maybe 7 times, had sex maybe 3 times(1 unprotected). Here’s when things get crazy. I’m 5 weeks pregnant now. I haven’t been with anyone else since seeing him. Now the sad part of it all is, while we were somewhat “dating” I could never reach him he always ignored my calls and text. Now I’m pregnant and he’s answering now but he still doesn’t come over when he says he will. I told him over the phone that I was pregnant and he wants me to keep it, but he never wants to meet face to face to have this talk. What do I do?