

When we went to my daughters 4 month appointment, I asked her about sleep training with the Ferber method and she recommended waiting until she has ‘object permanence’ at about 5 months for formal sleep training, however, she did say that at 4 months babies can self-soothe if given a couple minutes to fuss (not cry).

When we put her down at night, she’ll usually sleep for 45 minutes, then wake every 15-20 minutes or so for the next hour for her pacifier. So for the past couple nights we’ve been letting her fuss for a few minutes (3-5) before going to put her pacifier back in. Day 3 of this and I just put her down for her first nap, she spit her pacifier out almost immediately, fussed/talked for about 4 minutes and fell asleep! Fingers crossed that this continues! 🤞🏻💕

Just thought I’d share in case anyone was thinking about sleep training, but is nervous. I was definitely wanting to get her sleeping better and I know she would benefit from sleep training, but I was so sad thinking about any crying.