Long story

Angie 💕 • Mommy of 3 beautiful children 🙏🏼💜🙏🏼

Well here’s my story... sorry if it’s super long and some things didn’t make sense ...here it goes.. On Friday 7th I had a 39+2 ob appointment and i was not expecting to get checked that day either.. I had a choice but I had agreed to get seen if I was dilating or not which I was .. he said I was 2 cm, he had to go out of town on Wednesday for yearly testing so he wouldn’t be back till Sunday ..he told me to come back that Wednesday before he left so I can get checked again (if I didn’t have my baby by then) which I did not so on Wednesday I went to my check up in hoping I was progressing bcuz throughout the weekend I was losing my plug then the day before my final appointment I randomly started having what I thought was stomach pains due to unhealthy eating that day I was eating candy and jalapeño peppers from Wiener schnitzel then randomly had those pains so I thought I messed my stomach up plus I was having runs too but after awhile pain started getting a bit more intense and frequent so I thought it was start of contractions instead.. possibly was tho but just wasn’t that serious bcuz I slept and sure enough the next day all the pains were gone so I was hoping it was start of something so back to the day I had my Wednesday appointment and agreed for another check up in my cervix .. I was given a choice to get checked that day or wait till Monday (if haven’t had baby already and plus that’s the day he would be available again) but I was so anxious to see my progression .. I was disappointed when it came to turn out that I was still 2 cm .. I was sad, mad, disappointed.. it being my due date that Wednesday and no baby. It was up to the point where I didn’t even believe that I could still have my baby on my due date since I still had a whole day to go (by the way, I was correct on not having baby on due date). My doctor jokingly told me to stay pregnant till Monday bcuz he really wanted to be here to deliver my baby but did assure me that if he doesn’t that a doctor named helliwell will take his place which btw helliwell was my sons ob doctor and delivered my son in 2015 so I wasn’t worried. Me and my hubby decided to do some walking after that so we went to the outlets and walked around a lot and during that my contractions were coming back. Were tolerable but frequent for two hours then it stopped so I lost hope all over again. Went about my day normally, when it came to night time I went to sleep praying that my baby would just hurry and come. Well the next day around 2ish am I woke up to having intense lower belly pains and this time it was so painful .. it was so painful during her movements, I was wondering what was going wrong I never felt like this during contractions with my other two pregnancies. my babies actually didn’t move during contractions, my belly would just get intense and that’s it but this one was moving in every contraction so I didn’t think it was contractions I thought it was just very painful movements. So I went #2 of course and went into the shower thinking it would ease the pain but it didn’t. 13 minutes into the shower and finally baby didn’t move during the pains anymore and they were getting stronger and frequent and my belly would tense up with each pain then finally I felt that this was actually the real deal the entire time .. so I got out the shower and rushed my husband up telling him I think it’s time and that it hurts so much. He hopped off that bed and started packing things together and was trying to calm me down at the same time. Asked if I was sure and I confirmed. Had to wake my two kids up and get them ready to go to their nanas and we rushed to drop them off. After that we drove to the hospital.. during the drive my contractions were no longer 5 minutes apart, they were 2-3?and it was so painful .. when we finally got to the hospital it was around 3 in the morning so main entrance was closed already and we had to go through emergency room which made the registering process a bit longer .. I couldn’t take it anymore I just wanted the baby out. Took about almost 20 minutes to get registered and when I got into the first room I had to get into my gown and get checked to see where I am. My plan was to get the epidural again, I was asked if I wanted one and I agreed, I was so happy. When she finally checked me, it came to turn out that I was 9 cm and had a bulging sack.. we were shocked how I went from 2 cm to 9 in a short matter of time!! Finally got sent to my delivery room and was trying remain calm during my contractions I became nauseous and shaky. I asked about my epidural and was told that I would not be getting it.. knowing me I’d be freaking out being told that but I didn’t and was just too worried about my contractions but believe me I was scared tho would of been my first time with no epidural. Doc finally came in and checked me, I was finally a 10.. he broke my water and had to walk out to get more stuff .. in the mean time I had to do 2 practice pushes so I did that .. was told to stop and that baby had a lot of hair. I was told not to push anymore I was trying so hard not to and when my doc finally came back was told to do a couple more pushes while he was getting his gloves on and stuff ready then was told to stop again.. by then I had the urge to push and I was going crazy saying “no no no I have to push I gotta push plz let me push” and they’re all telling me no you can’t .. I did not care and pushed soooo hard that a big gush came out and my daughter popped half way out and the doc had to rush up to me to pull the rest of my baby out. It was such a huge relief to see my baby out, I felt no pain whatsoever during pushing I just couldn’t hold it in but I’m thankful for a healthy delivery and having a very supportive husband by my side and felt so proud of myself for having my baby without an epidural. I’ve realized that if I waited much longer at home I would have had my baby at home lol I didn’t tho, thank goodness. I would do this all over again but unfortunately no more kids for me. My daughter Nevaeh Adela Amaya was welcomed into this world on 6/13/19 at 4:58 am.. she weighed 7lbs 10oz 20in long! Me and daddy love you baby girl!! Thank you for reading my story if you made it this far 💜🙏🏼💜

Baby Girl and Daddy 😍

Here’s some update pics on how she looks now .. she’ll be a week old tomorrow ⤵️

I love her to pieces, my little mama 😍😍💜💜💜🙏🏼🙏🏼

Husbands sister had said she looks just like me and nothing like her dad .. I smell burnt bologna. Apparently, my first daughter looks just like me and my second and third child looks just like me .. I guess none look like their dad 🙄🙄🙄 it’s just all me 🙄