Best experience of my life ❤️ (LONG story!)

Sylvia • Proud mommy of my princess ❤️❤️

Let me start off by saying this is coming a little late, my daughter is 5weeks old it I’ve just been soaking in all the cuddles and been to busy to get around to posting this but thank you if you find the time to read it all! ❤️

SO i don’t even know where to begin, from 37 weeks I was starting to dialate, I was 2cm and 80% thinned at 37 weeks, then 38 weeks I was the same, 39 weeks comes around and I’m 3 1/2cm and 90% thinned! My doctor kept telling me “any day now” well he was a liar 🙄 but at 39 weeks I had my membrane swept and it did NOTHING, made me bleed a little but no contractions no nothing, so 40 weeks comes and goes and NO sign of baby coming whatsoever. Finally 40+2 (5/13/19) I went back to my doctor for a final check and to make a plan for induction, doctor checks me and I’m 4cm 95% thinned, so we plan my induction for 2 days later (5/15/19) for me to come in at 5am and start the process. I was like yes! Finally! So after scheduling my induction my doctor sent me and my mom to take a quick tour of the birthing unit since I hadn’t seen it yet. So that all happened at about 11am on 5/13/19, I go about my day as normal because I felt fine, started telling everyone to get ready for baby cause she was getting evicted! 😂 around 5pm the same day I went to go get my fiancé from work and I started having super bad contractions while driving, so bad that I had to really focus on breathing through them. So I pulled my phone out (at a red light don’t freak out) and started timing them, 7min apart, last about 30-45 seconds, no big deal. So I get my fiancé and we drop his friend off at his house and decided to sit and talk with him and just kinda waste time before going home, keep in mind the whole time I’m contracting enough to where I’m white knuckle gripping my fiancé’s hand and holding my breathe through them. He keeps asking me if we need to go and I keep saying no cause I’m dumb for some reason 🙄🙄 finally we get back home around 8pm and we live with my parents, well my mom could see I was really struggling and she kept telling me to just let her take me and get checked. I kept saying no while laying there squirming in pain, I had stopped timing the contractions at this point. Well I decided to eat since I started to realize that this was probably actual labor and once I get checked in at the hospital they won’t let me eat so I took FULL advantage of my mom making dinner and ate a full plate of pulled pork and Mac and cheese and some mixed veggies. So finally around 9:30pm we get to the hospital and the contractions are so strong and so close together at this point, they brought me to the birthing floor and had me pee in a cup and after I was curled over the sink in so much pain I could barely walk. My poor fiancé kept asking me if I was okay and I screamed at him from inside the bathroom to “just give me a fucking minute” 😂 well they decided since I was in so much pain and already pst 40weeks that they were just going to put me in a room and not in the observing room. They get me all set up and at this point I’m screaming and crying, slamming my fiancé’s hand into the mattress of my bed trying to work through the pain, everyone’s telling me to breathe and I just keep telling them to fuck off. They check me and I’m 6 1/2cm and 100% thinned, water hasn’t broke yet or anything, they ask me if I wanted the epidural and I have never said yes so fast and in my life 😂😂. Fast forward to about 11pm when the lady for my epidural comes in, and honestly the whole hour of 10pm was a blur I was in so much pain. BUT at this point my contractions are about 2min apart and so strong so they start getting me set up and the nurse (bless their hearts they were so amazing) is consoling me and helping me stay calm because they had my mom and fiancé leave the room while I got it done. After the epidural started to kick in I was IMMEDIATELY a completely different person, I was laughing and smiling and apologizing to my nurses for all the swearing 😂 my fiancé and mom come back in the room and I decided to take a nap since it wasn’t go time yet, well during my nap I woke up from a dead sleep and threw up ALL OVER THE FLOOR so I guess eating before wasn’t such a good idea 😅 they came in super fast and got it cleaned up and we all laughed about it. After the whole throwing up situation, the nurse comes in at 12:30am to check me and I’m 9cm!! Almost 10 but there was still a little lip that she could feel, and my water was still intact, they wanted it to pop on it’s own and not have them do it. So she leaves and I fall asleep again, this is where things really picked up 😳. About 1:30am she comes in to check me and to my surprise my water broke! I slept through my water breaking! So FINALLY it was baby time!! Yes!! They still had to wait for the doctor to get to my room and set everything up, so my nurse decided to have me do some practice pushes and so I get my legs up and my fiancé is helping me hold them and she immediately tells me not to push because she can see her head already! She said she had a lot of hair. The only thing I could ask her was what color her hair was 😂😂. Ok Iknow this is long but we’re coming to an end here now and I appreciate if you’ve made it this far 😅. So doctor finally comes in at 2am and we get my legs all up and she has to tell me when to push because I couldn’t feel any of my contractions anymore. It took about 5 rounds of me pushing and they had to use the vacuum because her cord was around her neck and her heart rate started to go down, but she was out!! 2:07am my beautiful baby girl came into the world! They had to take her to get her stable before I could see her so unfortunately she wasn’t put on my chest immediately after. I had a small outer tear that needed 3 stitches but that was it! My doctor told me if I decide to have another baby to not be stubborn and wait so long because of how fast I dialated 😂. All in all it was the best experience of my whole life AND I didn’t poop on while giving birth (extra win). WOW typing it out it’s a lot more than I thought so if you stuck around this long I applaud you! 😂 and I appreciate anyone who reads this❤️ here’s some pictures of my angel to make up for the book you just read 😂❤️

And here she in currently at 5 weeks ❤️