Mom guilt....

I feel so guilty I was going to abort my baby that I’m pregnant with now and every appointment I feel soo guilty. I debated and debated I even set an appointment up for an abortion but never showed up. I didn’t want to be pregnant again at what I feel is a young age (21 turning 22) with a one almost two year old. I feel like my son will feel my disconnection when he arrives I’m barely starting to enjoy bringing another life into this earth At 30 wks. I feel soo sooo guilty this whole pregnancy I wished to not be pregnant this far to have a chance to just raise my first born and indulge in being her mom. Now finally I am happy I kept my pregnancy and can’t wait to see my son. I feel so horrible about how I felt about this I mean I have my own place own car a good job still with their father ... I love him truly and the only reason I didn’t want this pregnancy is because I did not see myself capable to being a parent to two kids especially a toddler and a new born. But my entire family and their father has been so much help and it still will never take away the guilt but 😭😭😭😭 To my baby I’m soooo sorry truly I love you and just want the best for you I’m going to protect you and I hope you forgive me.