12 weeks pregnant and midwife said this

Hi am 12 weeks pregnant and got
A call from the midwife saying my bloods which I took last week. They have found antibodies. What does this mean. 
Need to go for a re test again next week
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Are you a negative blood type? If so, it means your body has been exposed to positive type blood (so if you're O- and your last baby was A+, your baby's positive antibodies crossed into your blood stream and your body has reacted to it). This can cause serious complications for your current and future children and you'd most likely be high risk.The only time it's not worrisome is if you got Rhogam in the last 3-4 months.


Tracy • Sep 28, 2015
not true I worked at and obgyn and we gave then the shot at about 28 weeks so she should be okay


Posted at
Depends on what they ran. They usually don't check for antibodies, unless they already ran your type once and wanted to check and see if you've already started producing them... Once you've produced them there isn't much they can do. But again I feel as though you may have misunderstood what she was saying or she may not have explained it properly. Just ask for clarification at your next appointment because what you have said doesn't really say anything to where I could give you any sort of direction on what was said. Goodluck 


Posted at
It depends on what kind of blood test they drew for. Do you know what they ran?