Slipped down the stairs


Hey ladies.

Sooo I am 4 months pregnant today.. yesterday I slipped down my stairs by wearing sock feet on a carpet staircase :-( ... I luckily landed on my butt so it took all the impact and left me with a nasty bruise. I slipped on my butt down at least 5 steps. I called my midwife afterwards and she assured me the baby is very cushioned in there so baby is more than likely fine as lomg as i see no bleeding or fluid leakage. She that I may feel some muscle pain due to the slip and me tightening all my muscles up. She advised me to take a bath and a Tylenol.

I felt that she was right and other than some aches and pains I felt fine yesterday.

I woke up today after a second sleep and my right side and right pelvic area feels pretty sore! I slipped down the stairs more on my left side... do you think I should be worried about this pain? Or is it probably just aftermath of my fall?

No bleeding and no fluid leakage still, I am so thankful!!