Postpartum Depression

Arielle • Mom to an angel, Quinn Jordan 💗 (11.29.14) and Bennett Ace 💙 (8.2.19)

Im pretty sure I had postpartum depression after my daughter. However, it didn’t seem to truly kick in full force until AFTER I was done breastfeeding at about 23mos. However I also may not have fully admitted that may have been a problem for me either! I want to do it differently this time! I want to be on top of it and be sure I take care of myself. I have tried Zoloft, it worked but I had an allergic reaction to it. I was one of the lucky “2% of people” taking Zoloft to get completely itchy from baaaad!! To the point where I’d itch so bad I’d bruise! Suuuper!! So I then tried Celexa and I had a similar reaction but not nearly as bad but I also didn’t feel like it did anything at all. Eventually, I just went back to “myself”...whatever that it is anymore, and stopped trying to take anything. I was fine, feeling better, and found other ways such as working out to feel better. Kinda felt like I went through a mini quarter life crisis or something!! Haha

This time, I want to continue to use working out as an outlet for me, but with two kids, a lack of sleep, stressful job, etc, I want to be sure I take care of myself in other ways too addition to working out! I want to talk to my doctor about immediately getting on to something to help and possibly “prevent” myself from getting to that point again. I feel fine now...I have my days here and there but who doesn’t? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Share your postpartum stories! It’s nothing to be ashamed of! And also, what meds have you taken that have worked for you and are safe while breastfeeding?