Cps called

Hello, I need a little advice or just some of my questions asked. A little background I’m 22 I have a two year old. I am married we have our own place and everything. Today, I’m guessing cps came to my house ( I didn’t hear a knock or nothing ) I went outside to throw trash and saw a little card with her info and in the back it said “please call me” of course I started freaking out who would call cps on us?! We don’t abuse our daughter or none of that sort of thing. I called about 5 times then she texted me. I responded and still no reply or call.. I should mention I do live in apartments and we just moved in 5months ago.. only a few people know my address. My mom thinks it can be from the previous people that lived here or they want to ask questions regarding someone else as in family members or something.. I’m not sure, I’m freaking out, I’m crying it’s just a lot to take it in. I’m sure if it was serious she would have called and not just texted that and not respond? I live in Texas I’m so lost when it comes to cps. Can someone please tell me what can be going on?