Economic Rant

So my boyfriend and I are talking about getting married and starting a family. We’re 25, fresh college grads, working. I’ve always wanted to start a family as soon as I can, and so has he. But there’s just 1 problem.


I really want an engagement ring. I’m allergic to... a lot of things. The ring band will need to be gold or platinum, but the stone can be cubic zirconia. That’s still a little outta budget for my boo. $400 a month loan payment. Then health insurance on top of that.

I don’t have any student loans (thank the lord) but I racked up a lot of credit card debt while in college. Every penny I earned working full time as a sales manager was used to pay my tuition and I didn’t really understand credit cards. At one point I was living off of 1 AMEX with an incredibly irresponsible limit, and an APR they should be ashamed of. Amex can SMD for that one. Like, where was the financial literacy? I thought being broke was the status quo. In a way, I illustrated my own hell.

We can handle our finances now. He’s never missed a payment, I’ve paid back almost 35% of my debt and I haven’t touched the stuff since. Plus our credit scores are above 700 as a result. But I still feel as if a baby would be a hell of a burden financially.

I know what your thinking, just wait until you make more money, right? Well that comes with time=experience and these people want their money like right now.

I’m just wondering who sent us up this creek without a paddle?? Now the idea of a wedding is just that, an idea. A baby is a straight hand written, financial suicide letter, and don’t even get me started on what happens If one of us thinks we’re getting sick. How did we get here?

How are y’all coping? What can we do to prepare?