Putting my son’s inconsistent father on child support

MiKaiBea • 💙

Hello ladies, as you can tell from the title, i am putting my child’s father on child support. I gave birth to our beautiful baby boy in January he wasn’t at the hospital nor during the time I was pregnant with our son. I was in touch with his mother who I told was pregnant and didn’t speak to her for months until after he was born. He came in to the picture even tried to work things out with us but after he told me that he was dealing with someone else prior to me being in the first place in which i didn’t know about until he told me. Ever since then it has been arguments, he had an issue with paying his mother’s cousin $30 each for her to keep our son while we both work (I work in aviation, he’s a truck driver) anyway, that didn’t work out because she wasn’t reliable i’m struggling calling out of work because I have no sitter while he goes about his way, I’ve been the one looking for places to take our son. My mother’s husband sister was going to charge us $300 to keep him which I didn’t agree with because she isn’t even certified at all and plus there are daycares that charge less than that a week. So ended up back at square one until my mother offered to keep him she was working but quit to watch him she only asked for 160, his father had a problem with that saying we’ll ask if she can agree to 150 in which the set amount is 160. In the beginning he has purchased clothing, a pair of shoes, pampers, and formula because I got denied from WIC but that was all in Jan-Mar. Here it is June. He would so often send me $75 dollars to cover for pampers and formula... umm. formula is $36 and pampers in the huge boxes are about $25, $28 dollars. When I get paid twice a month I buy clothes, because he’s constantly growing, little shoes for him to wear, 2 cans of formula to last until the next time I get paid on top of those huge boxes of pampers i’m literally buying everything for him and have been buying everything. He once said that when I mentioned child support that whatever set amount they give him to pay is all i’m getting from him he gets paid weekly versus how I get paid. But it’s like he thinks i’m spending his money on myself than his son which is not true at all, the little $75 he does send me every so often I put my money to that to get what our son needs smh it’s ridiculous! I never wanted to put him up for child support and just today I told him that he will be and he’s saying that he’s not going to pay my mother anything because again, she watches our son while we are at work. So now I feel a though i shouldn’t have mentioned it but i’m tired of his inconsistent ass smh he never sees him, hardly wants to help and he has a 4 yr old daughter who he worships the world for but when it comes to our son, it’s different smh. i’m just glad that he’s on child support now should’ve been but I was giving him a chance and it just all blew up in my face now. I don’t want to be with him at all, I just want more of his help than what he’s been doing for our son and will do whatever it takes to ensure that. Just sucks that’s it’s come to this 😒