Advice.. please?


My husband and I are undoubtedly in love. He treats me so well, and I’m thankful. My husband suffers from bipolar disorder, and I have severe anxiety and depression. We are both unmedicated currently because I’m pregnant and he’s stubborn. Today is a bad day. I’m very anxious and he’s in one of the moods. He woke up angry, and has been. Usually I can deal with his moods but today I’m extremely anxious and I can’t control my thoughts. I want to talk to him, to be around him and for him to reassure me, but I’m also trying to give him space and let him breathe. I guess I don’t really know what to do. I feel like he’s angry at me, but I know this could just be the mood he woke up in. Me being pregnant doesn’t help with all these hormones, either.