Head down, posterior, and engaging πŸ’›πŸ˜


A little early and things could still change a bit, but we got confirmation today that baby is exactly where we want it to be to avoid the possibility of a cesarean πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ (some of you might remember be explaining a repeat cesarean for me would have to be done under general anesthesia, the OB would need to have baby out in under 90 seconds, and that I cannot have ANY pain medication at any point so that is definitely only something we would be willing to do in an emergency)

We have to deliver by 40+4 to be able to have our VBAC (local regulation) but our midwife told us today she has no reason to doubt we will have a vaginal delivery πŸ™πŸ€ž She even thinks we might just see our babe at the end of July😱😍