Ultrasound wrong?

Anyone else have experience with getting wrong gender results during ultrasound? I already have a four year old son and going into my first ultrasound this pregnancy I didn't have a preference either way, but they told me it was "definitely" a girl. So I spent the last four weeks getting excited about a girl- we've already painted the nursery and everything! Today I had a follow-up ultrasound and it is "definitely" a boy. 😳😳😳😳😳😆 I am in serious shock. How do you just grow a winky in 4 weeks!? The top picture is the one from today on top and the one from 4 weeks ago on bottom. 
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Posted at
Wow! Are they sure there's just one baby in there? I've seen a few ultrasounds and that first one sure looks like girl parts to me! 


Megan • Sep 28, 2015
I know! We we certain it was a girl! My husband teased what if there are two in there too after we found out. I mean the new picture definitely looks like a boy, but the old one clearly looks girl. Guess we will find out for certain when baby is born! Or babies. Hahaha


Posted at
That happened to my sister and they found out she was having twins at 7 months, she had a boy and a girl and the girl was covering the boy the whole time. 


Tracy • Sep 29, 2015
That's often what happens. They think you're farther along because it's twins. How exciting for you if it is. Keep us posted. Now I really want to know. :)


Megan • Sep 28, 2015
That's crazy! Wow! Twins run in my family. Wouldn't that be something! Did her uterus happen to measure larger than her due date? They did my first scan at 17 weeks because my uterus was measuring 24 weeks at the time, after the ultrasound the confirmed that baby was the right size.


Posted at
How far along were you on the first ultrasound? 


Megan • Sep 28, 2015
I was 17 weeks. They did it early because my uterus was measuring 24 weeks but confirmed that my dating was accurate after the first scan. They did a follow up today at 20 weeks because the baby had its face turned during the last ultrasound and they wanted to check the features.


Megan • Sep 28, 2015
I was 17 weeks. They did it early because my uterus was measuring 24 weeks but confirmed that my dating was accurate after the first scan. They did a follow up today at 20 weeks because the baby had its face turned during the last ultrasound and they wanted to check the features.


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What are you for sure having?