
Hey y’all. I’ve been battling depression since I could remember and after I had my baby I had post partum for over a year. I’m fine now. I think but lately anxiety has been getting to me. And today I had a thought about running into the person that sexually assaulted me when I was 19. I was drunk but he came into the room where I was resting and he started to do things to me. He was the bf of a friend of mine. I NEVER told anyone. Except for a couple of therapists I’ve seen over the years.

That was 12 years ago. Anyway about a year ago, maybe, I saw him in the parking lot of a Walmart and I went into full panic mode. Today that thought and fear came over me while I was driving.

I’ve been anxious right before bed. Idk what to do. Idk when I’ll tell my husband. I don’t know if I ever will or how or if I should. He’s been stressed out with work. I’m just so anxious and I can’t help it.