Miscarriage/ pregnancy symptoms.

So it’s been a little over a month since I had a miscarriage. But I’m still having pregnancy symptoms.

Sensitive smell

Acne like a teenager

Morning sickness

And weird taste buds. Things that were the best food in the world yesterday now taste like sh*t.

The miscarriage itself was painful and heartbreaking (it was our last chance for another baby before my husband is deployed for a year).

But everyone around me is acting like it didn’t happen. And when I bring it up because it is still affecting me people change the subject super quick like they didn’t even hear what I said.

It makes me feel like I’m invisible.

And it’s sad to be still reminded by my body every day and to feel that grief and disappointment and have everyone just act like I should have moved on.

Believe me I would like to but it’s hard when I’m still spending my days wondering what will work for the nausea today.

It’s not like I want to talk about it all day, but would just like people to stop pretending that they are deaf and can’t hear me. Or at least be patient when I’m still to nauseous to do something. It’s not like I wanted this either.