
Sharon • Mummy to my IVF miracle baby Mason 💙

I don't know what to do! We had an <a href="">IVF</a> baby just over 2 years ago and I really would like to try for another baby however my partner says I wanted a baby, I've got one now and we don't need anymore. I said I know we don't need but i want more and he keeps saying we don't need to replace the one we've got i should be lucky we have him. I know I'm extremely lucky to have even one child and I'm not saying to go through <a href="">IVF</a> again I'm saying if it happens naturally it's meant to be. He already has a 9 year old daughter from a previous relationship. He said even if he didn't have her he wouldn't want anymore. Says we dont have the space or money. We live in a 3 bed semi detached, in other words he doesn't want them to share bedrooms. His daughter sleeps over once maybe twice a month. He's also saying he doesn't want to get married and would rather spend his money on other things. I said I'd be happy to get married abroad where its cheaper. Just feel like the relationship has come to a stand still. Hes always on his phone, we cant really go out and we dont get babysitters. And he complains if we watch telly in the evenings, yet sure it'll be fine when footy back on. Please help