What happened to the foreplay???

Been with my partner almost 3 years, past maybe 6 months foreplay seems to have disappeared. Going hand in hand with this, my sex drive has decreased since the foreplay has gone because it’s not as exciting anymore. I still get to orgasm (sometimes) during sex as he will play with my clit or I do it myself, but without the foreplay in place most of the time I can’t even be bothered to try and orgasm during sex as my mind isn’t in it.

I miss the excitement and touching, licking, kissing and exploring each other’s bodies. I feel like I need that to get me in the mood and make me crave sex. I still do it for him I go down on him almost every time we have sex! He just whacks some lube on and slides it in. I would even just be happy with some neck kisses and playing with my clit with his fingers, just to get me warmed up and a bit wet. He doesnt try to get me wet anymore :(