Having a hard time 😕

I found out I was pregnant a week after my dad passed away from a 5 month battle with cancer, I had so many emotions going on I didn't know whether to be sad still from my loss or excited! Well I soon realized my dad passed and god granted us with a new life, a life that will have my dads blood in it. So we were hoping for a boy! "Reincarnation" it ended up being a girl! But that's ok because my dad always told me " I hope you have a girl that acts just like you" well looks like that happened twice being this is baby girl #2 (:. I can't stop crying and thinking about the what if's with my dads illness and I'm scared all this stress is hurting my baby! Not only that I'm going through a custody battle for my son at this time as well! Baby is due in 3 months and we have nothing for her yet because we put all our money for a lawyer. so that added 2x more stress on me. Is there any advice is to how I can handle all this and not feel so stressed out?