Need your ladies’ help re: BBT & tracking!😩😩😩


I go to sleep between 11p-1a because of my husband’s work schedule and that’s when he gets home. Sometimes I’m asleep and he wakes me up or I stay up until he gets home. Falling asleep the latest between 1:30-2a. Then I might wake up again around 4-5a for the bathroom. Then again around 6:30a because of the sun shining thru. Then I have to be up by 7:15a to start getting ready for work.

I feel like my temps have been aaalllll over the place and don’t know what to do!! 😩😩 I gave up tracking this cycle and don’t even know if I want to start again next cycle. I just don’t know if they’ll even be accurate with such an off sleep pattern. Someone suggested I check vaginally, but someone else said it won’t matter because of my sporadic sleep schedule. I feel like I’m lost.

Let alone idk if I’m checking and reporting my cervix position/firmness/openness properly. I’ve been told tracking BBT and cervix position and cervical mucus are the most important ways to track ovulation and I think the only one I’m sure about is the mucus....*sigh*

Please HELP!! TIA