
Guys...I feel like an absolute mess and am so upset. I’m not sure why I’m posting, I guess I just need to vent to someone... This will be long so I do apologize! But would really appreciate some positive thoughts or others experiences.

This post is about gender disappointment, so if you have any negative comments, please just ignore my post. This is our rainbow and we struggled for over a year to get pregnant after, so yes I do feel very lucky and couldn’t have been more excited to find out I was pregnant!

Since the beginning, I expected another boy (I have a 3yr old boy). Everyone around me including my son and fiancé said girl. Everyone wanted a girl all along too because “there are too many boys already”. Everything has pointed to girl so far. EVERYTHING. This is the exact opposite from my first pregnancy, down to every single symptom, even carrying different, different placement and heart rates. I’ve been so so sick with this one, I’ve been in the hospital, on meds, etc. At last ultrasound, tech guessed girl based on several different factors, and potty shot and nub even looked like a girl!! I was finally starting to get excited as I’ve ALWAYS wanted a girl, even with my first.

We decided to do the doctors blood test, and just got a call yesterday and it’s a boy... I’ve wanted to cry since finding out. I haven’t wanted to tell anyone because I’m so afraid everyone is just going to be so disappointed. Everyone around me is having girls, along with all of my friends. I just wish it was my turn and I’ve been so upset since finding out for sure...

sorry for the rant ladies, I’m just going crazy.

I’m sure it’ll get better with time, but I’m just so hormonal right now lol I know that’s all it is... it’s just making me think with how hard this pregnancy is, we planned to try a couple more times, but I’m afraid I’ll keep going through this each time for more boys...I love my boy now sooo much, but all I’ve ever wanted was a girl...