Thinking of getting an IUD...


I've been on the pill for about 3 years (Sprintec) and recently my gynecologist recommended getting an IUD. In the 3 years since starting the pill I've gained about 20 pounds and haven't been able to lose much, my hair went from curly to straight, my periods lightened and regulated but they're still a bit irregular and heavy. I also suffer from night terrors since I was a kid and I've found that the birth control makes me only have night terrors when I'm pmsing and super stressed, but their always really bad and lucid. I had some other sptoms when I first started taking it like an upset stomach and some mood issues but those have either gone away or I've become accustomed to it. I've heard hormonal IUDs can make your period go away completely while copper can make them worse. What are some other side effects and issues you've had with the copper and hormonal IUDs?