Clearblue isn't working this month. How many DPO am I?

Been using clearblue digital opk. My cycles are 30days and I ovulate around the 15-16th day. This cycle I used a brand new clear blue opk from day 10. And from day 11-17 (today) I got a flashing smiley face. Today I got fed up and tested using a cheap opk and got a barerly visible very faint line!!!

Glow says I ovulated day 14 (25/10) I agree as on day 12-14 I had extremely large amount of watery discharge and high, soft, open cervix. And I also had cramps on right side. Glow says I'm 3DPO now.

(I did start AF on 12/10 but had spotting on 11/10 so I might be one day ahead in my cycle than I think)

How many DPO do you think I am?

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