
I’m 26.3 with my first baby and my fiancé and I both noticed that my belt bump changes throughout the day. When I first wake up, it’s soft and somewhat “flatter” and I don’t see much movement from her until it’s about 3 hours of being awake or active. By the end of the day, usually it’s very firm and she’s super active! But I’ve noticed that on days where I have to work and I wake up with a soft bump, my bump changes drastically when I get in the shower. And almost immediately.

Once I hop in the shower after waking, I noticed that she moves closer to my pelvic area and she begins to be active. I’m just curious as to why this happens 😅 does she like the shower? Or is she avoiding it? I think it’s cool to see how she responds to certain things though. I love it 😂 is it the sound from the water hitting my belly that triggers her response? Is it the warmth from the shower, or is it both? I’m curious to see if this is normal or If it’s a coincidence. 🥰