This suck


30 weeks tomorrow finally nice weather and cuz of my migraines being so bad i am limited to ky thinks i do and where i go. Going shopping to one store is to much for me. I got out in backyard with kids hlf hour 45 im done after that plus the meds they gave me make me sleep. I was looking forward to the summer and now that its here cant do much hate being stuck in this house i feel bad for my kids i want to go out but its to much for me when i do. At the same time me leaving the house i have no motavation to at the same time. Im sad and angry and feel awful as a mother. For my two children. There summer is going to suck. Im not allowed to drive or work. By the time im done cleaning what i can with pi ut pushing my self im to light headed and dizzy to go ouside down the stairs. Dont trust my self carrying my youngest. Im just venting