Bled once yesterday morning + nothing since. Anyone have a healthy pregnancy?

Long story - but would so appreciate your response / support ❤️

Im only just over 4 weeks pregnancy and bled yesterday once only when wiping and nothing else since. One time wiping only (see pic below - sorry tmi).

After I wiped I looked down there and there was also a boil/pimple that was clearly bleeding just outside the entering of the vagina. Not sure if this could have been only from that pimple/ boil that continued to bleed after or something more serious.

Youll see on the picture below there’s a couple areas with little circles and that’s where I was dabbing on the boil/pimple.

I even checked inside my cervix after and there was no blood in there at all. It was just normal mucus with no blood residue inside.

Did anyone have some bleeding in their early pregnancy and turn out to be okay?

Again I haven’t had any bleeding at all since and it was only when I wiped. No cramping or anything.

I’m going to the doctors soon but thought id look for some stories before. Thanks so much!