Polyhydramnios and/or a big breech baby?


Any of you ladies have this experience? I went to the Dr on Friday for a follow up and when she measured my belly, she was concerned that I was measuring almost 37 weeks, and was only 34 and 4. I explained that it’s possible that she is on the larger side as my son was over 9 lbs when he was born on his due date. While we were talking, she was trying to find the baby’s heartbeat and could only find mine. I knew everything had to be fine because I had felt the baby moving not long before they called me into the office. Well, come to find out, she couldn’t find her heart beat because she is potentially breech, and was able to find it on the opposite side toward the top of my belly. She is concerned that I either have a large breech baby and/or Polyhydramnios (excess fluid). She is sending me for an ultrasound on Tuesday to confirm her position and measure the fluid. I am nervous because she told me they do not deliver breech babies, so if that’s the case, they will have to try to turn her at my follow up on the 3rd. If they can’t get her to turn, we have to schedule a c-section for 39 weeks. I am not sure what happens with the Polyhydramnios though. I was thrown off by this whole thing so didn’t think to ask.

So my questions are: have any of you ladies had a large breech baby that you were able to turn? Is it true that it’s painful when they assist them in turning? If you had Polyhydramnios in late stages, what treatment (if any) did you receive, and what was your delivery method?