Mom upset about not being in the room.


Me and my mom and pretty close and up until a few weeks ago she was completely fine with my decision to not have anyone besides my husband in the room for our first baby to be born. Well now that the day is approaching sooner she’s trying to make me feel bad for it. She’s told multiple family members that I’m not letting her in the room and how sad she is so they will come and attack me with the whole “it’s her first grandchild bs.” I’m just so irritated with this whole thing and don’t get what flipped. From the day I told her I was pregnant I’ve had my decision made that it will only be us with our baby so we can bond. And now she’s trying to play to pitty card to try to get in! How should I even handle this? I’ve just been ignoring it and not talking to her about it.. but I know I need to set a boundary. I just don’t know what that should be or how to do it..😅 help!