10/19 AF cycle buddy

Hi. My names Tyler I am 22 years old and have been ttc for #1 for two years. My bf and I have had multiple surgeries on various areas... So I've been concerned about infertility problems. This month we've really been trying and I've been on prenatals and trying flaxseed oil capsules and preseed for the first time. Definitely hoping this is the month ! Who's with me and has AF due 10/19? My peek ovulation for this month is 10/3. Need a cycle buddy. Am sick of going through this alone 💔 baby dust to all! 🍼🍼🍼💫💝👣
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Posted at
My peak ovulation is the 7th. My most fertile week starts the 3rd. I'm expected to start AF the 20th, and I'm also 22 😁 we're in this together! 


Tyler • Sep 29, 2015
Yea girl how long ttc?!


Posted at
AF is due 10/18 I am ovulating now tho, I am currently using pre-seed! I am hoping this is our month!


Pamela • Sep 29, 2015
i found out while preg w 1st child in 2006 the lost the baby and they said it would possibly clear up after MC then a year later got preg w ny daughter and suprise it was still there, so after my daughter was born they did cryo freeze veey simple did 3 month check up then 6 month for a year and since all were clear back to my yearly and no signs of it since!


Danielle • Sep 29, 2015
I found out about it August 8th 2012


Danielle • Sep 29, 2015
Thank you! Yeah my ob said it was at level 2 when they noticed it and level 3 would of been cervical cancer and they would of started treatments. All they did was a ton of biopsies and paps every 3-6 months then I went in and he said it went to a level 1 and were hoping it completely goes away.


Posted at
Wow big room lol, I am also due AF 9-20 2nd month TTC #3 I am 30 now. I got off the IUD skyla 8-17 which had my cycles way off ovulated on cycle day 20 last month which I've never noticed anytime in the past. So I'm going off a regular cycle that I should O around 10-4 or 5. Baby dust and prayers to all!


Pamela • Sep 29, 2015
also trying fertileCM this month to boost ewcm also it says it increases labido and sensitivity so sounds fun to me lol.


Posted at
My peak is October 7th and AF is scheduled to start Oct 22st but hopefully she doesn't come!!! I'm 29 and my husband is 36 and this is our first l... TTC for 7 months with and ectopic in May


Mayra • Sep 29, 2015
Thanks Pamela!!


Pamela • Sep 29, 2015
I'm 30 and DH is 38 good luck!


Mayra • Sep 29, 2015


Posted at
Today is CD 11 and I noticed EWCM today? Either the meds to improve it are working or its early. How many days before O do y'all notice this? Also my husband has been gone a week and we finally BD last night could it poss be this? I feel more open and CM stretched well over 3 inches didn't break and had light spotting this morn but assumed that was from sex??


Posted at
Sorry typo. If my cycle is back to normal AF should be "missed" on 10-20-15. I have a question tho. I have a tilted uterus and I swear my cervix is opposite. Seems high most of the time then drops down but I'm not 100% trying to really pay attention this month.. Anyone else notice this??


Posted at
Hello ! AF is suppose to come 10-19 I hope not. I ovulate earlier than what Glow predicts me but I will be BD through this whole till the 6th of October. Just in case lol. My husband and I are both 20 will be 21 in December this is our first and this is our first actual month of trying.


Posted at
My AF is due oct. 17th. My peak is oct. 2nd. Been TTC for #2 since May when I had my iud out. Good luck!