Pregnancy Symptoms


So I don’t usually post here but I don’t have anyone to talk to about it. I did another round of femara 7.5 mg this month and had the HSG. They didn’t say but I think one of my tubes was blocked because it took a long time to spill. I’m currently two days late on af. I’ve been having mild cramping/pulling sensations and backaches on and off for 4 days, dizziness for a week, headaches and some nausea the last two days. I tested today and was bfn. My cycle when on femara has been very consistent and I’ve never cramped for multiple days it’s always really bad cramps right when I start. What I’m wondering is the dose is higher for me this month on femara has anyone had an experience like this with a higher dose? I don’t want to get my hopes up but I just have had this feeling like I am pregnant. We were suppose to do <a href="">IUI</a> if this didn’t work and were worried about doing it financially so I’m praying this is it.