Just Starting Out


My boyfriend and I decided a couple weeks ago that we wanted to start TTC. We had talked about it here and there and we both decided we would be happy if I became pregnant, however, I was still on BC. One night, after a long, intimate discussion and overwhelming emotions, we decided we wanted to start trying. I immediately got off my BC right after our conversation. I was on the pill and we made the decision about an hour before my scheduled daily dose time. I simply just didn't take my pill and I haven't since. I was about one week in. After I got past the initial bleeding from stopping BC we immediately started looking at my fertility charts and TTC and still are. Last year, I was diagnosed with severe/major depression and moderate anxiety. Since I have gotten off BC I have had crazy mood swings but, my boyfriend has been amazing and supporting me through it all. I am on my last day of ovulation and now comes the dreaded wait. This is our first waiting period since TTC and it's hard not to think every little thing means I'm pregnant but I just can't wait to test. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high since this is our first try but I can't help it and it probably doesn't help my anxiety any. But sometimes, I just start feeling sad out of nowhere. I know my mood swings are probably a mixture of my mental health or suddenly stopping BC. I just wish I could stop feeling this way and I don't know how to deal with it or what to do. My boyfriend is helping me as best he can but i just feel so badly.