Feeling really down

Guys I am honestly not sure why I'm posting... I guess I just need to vent. I have suffered from anxiety and depression most of my life. I have always had major body issues and have been pretty over weight most of my life. I'm 23 and I just hate my body. I feel fat and discusting and I hate myself. I feel awful for my husband because I have gained so much weight since we have gotten married. He says he doesn't care and he still loves me. But I am just so scared he is not attracted to me anymore. We literally have sex maybe once a month if that. I just feel so worthless, so ugly and I literally feel that I am so insignificant to everyone. I just do not feel important. I really don't want you guys to think I am attention seeking. I honestly have no one to talk to except my husband and I don't think he umderstands how I feel.