Idk if my dad is an actual alcoholic or he just drinks a lot?

So the last few years my dads been drinking a lot. My sisters and i have always just called him a drunk and although i’m not proud of it, we sometimes just get upset and all talk about how shitty he is because he drinks so much. He drinks mostly wine i think because it’s the cheapest and were always VERY tight on money. But my boyfriend lets off that he doesn’t really think he IS an alcoholic because i always overreact to things. He drinks every single night and idk if wine isn’t like. alcoholic material..? idk. But he doesn’t like hurt is or anything when he does. He does yell though. He just gets realllly sensitive and takes everything to heart even the things that aren’t a big deal at all. He’s not like the typical deadbeat dad though. he’s still like sweet and really great when he IS sober which is usually right when he gets home from work at 3pm. And then he starts drinking the whole night. he always passes out on the couch. and on the weekends. he sleeps in late and yells at us when he’s trying to get his 13 hours of sleep. Is my dad an alcoholic???

It doesn’t like. scare us when he yells. but it kinda hurts our feelings and since we’re all very sensitive it usually ends in us crying