Speak up (storytime and message)


When my parents divorced my father started touching me and i never told anyone, well it went on for years because of it. This was a huge weight it was really hard to actually be happy. I couldn’t sleep or relax. I always had it in the back of my mind. I got out of the situation about a year or two ago and still didn’t tell anybody. Well this was getting really hard to handle i started crying myself to sleep always wondering if he would break in just constant paranoia. Well I decided I’m not going to live in this fear so i reached out. I got an amazing attorney to help with my rights i also got a child advocate that helps me understand what my attorney is saying. These people set up a forensic interview and leading up to it i was nervous on edge. I was scared of what would happen, but i was also exited to tell my story so that I’m not the only one that knows. Well i had that interview today. The environment was very comfortable they were very kind and made it as easy as they could for me to tell my story. Well now i reel a weight lifted. After the interview i cant stop smiling cuz i am finally free i know he cant hurt me and i also know they are going to try to get justice. I feel relieved. I just wanna say to all the girls out there that this is happening to speak up tell someone it’ll help you in the end and just to know its not your fault and they took something from u but they cant take your power and voice. You are strong and beautiful and in a second you can go from victim to survivor. #survivor (i also apologize this is long but i thought i would share please keep negative comments to yourself thank you)