scheduled c section 8/6


hey mamas! anyone else due to have their baby the same day? my actual due date is 8/13 but my doctor performs the c sections at 39 weeks. I'm a very good candidate for vbac but something is telling me to go with my gut and do the surgery. my daughters birth was absolutely traumatizing for me. I labored for over 15 hours, no meds, ready to have her naturally only to be rushed for a c section due to her heart rate dropping. it really goes to show you can't plan anything, or that anything can happen! I feel more comfortable knowing exactly what I'm walking into this time. no rushing, pushing, going crazy and not knowing what's happening to me. I've been cramping on and off the past few days so maybe he'll wanna start labor on his own and show himself a little bit earlier 😃

and oh yes, I eat mini watermelons like they are my own personal bowl 😂