
So this past Monday, my family and I went to a theme park for my sons birthday. It was crazy hot (I live in South Florida) and it was about 104 out. We were there for 5 hours and I was cramping bad and had constant Braxton Hicks once I got in the car to leave. I drink a ton of water and relaxed when we got home, but the cramping and BH lasted until I went to bed. I woke up feeling fine, and didn’t have any cramping yesterday, but did have a few very irregular Braxton Hicks contractions. But I woke up this morning to AWFUL period like cramping, it woke me up at 6am they were so painful. I drink a bottle of water and went back to bed. I have noticed Braxton Hicks all day as well, with the cramping, so I have attempted to stay hydrated and went to work. I am home now, but the Braxton Hicks are every 15 mins like clockwork and the cramping is still here. Should I be worried? I’m only 26 weeks.