BF Baby Refusing Bottle & Paci


My son turns 4 months on Friday. From birth until around 2 months old, he was taking a bottle of either formula or breastmilk. I still breastfed him but dad would take some feedings. But something clicked in him then and he all of a sudden stopped taking a bottle of anything and a pacifier. I’ve tried literally everything. These are what ive done:

-different nipple flow

-different temperatures

-fresh and frozen milk

-dad, gramma, and me feeding

-different locations

-different shirts

-different positions

Bottles ive tried:

- playtex

- avent

- nuk cheapies from Walmart

- tommee tippee

- Medela calma

- dr browns

Im very blessed to be able to breastfeed, but I’m just so lost and so frustrated and I just need help. I need a break. My postpartum anxiety and depression are at an all time high. My husband and I want to leave my son with gramma for the night so we can have a nice date but I don’t see that happening anytime soon. Does anyone have any tips or tricks that they’ve tried?

Picture for attention because he’s adorable!