Low HCG Levels


So I went to the OB for spotting and cramping. Had hcg levels checked and an ultrasound at 5w2d at that time they could see the sac but nothing inside with hcg at 1523. Got another ultrasound and blood test a week later, I saw the baby with a heartbeat at 115 bpm but an hcg of only 2364. So after 5 days it just barely doubled and I was told it should double every 2-3 days, even the doctor sounded worried because he said I was hoping for something closer to 6000.

I’m so scared. I cried today and I have to wait to for next week. I’m told if it barely moves and of course stops doubling I could lose the baby.

Doctor said we can hope for a spike but he wanted me to just be aware and prepared for what could happen.

I just wanted to vent and hear from anyone else who’s gone through this just worrying if your baby would stick and if it did or not.

Here’s our little bean at 6 weeks