Is he lying??

Hi everyone I just need your input on this situation. I recently started dating this guy for probably a little over a month now, so we aren’t exclusive in relationship terms. However right off the bat we asked each other whether we were talking to other people or not. I for one wasn’t and he expressed to me he wasn’t the type to enjoy talking to multiple people at once & liked to focus on one person at a time.

So moving on, he posted a seemingly harmless screen shot on his story and in the very left corner it says “◀️bumble.” If you own an iPhone you know that would indicate you are switching back and forth between said app..

I wasn’t sure how to tackle it without coming off as too dramatic but I ended up texting him about it and asked why he lied to me about talking to other people.

He immediately was puzzled, so I explained what I saw and he claims he was checking the notifications from it since he had them but wasn’t talking to anyone... After a few exchanges of him telling me he’s not talking to anyone else, he said he was just going to delete those apps and tried to move on with regular conversation. I didn’t ask him to though he just said he would.

I want to give him the benefit of the doubt because when we hang out he never hides his phone from me or whatever. And most of the time he texts people/answers their phone calls right in front of me. And often tells me he wants to be more serious with me.. However Idk, “just checking notifications” sounds so fishy to me..

And granted we actually met on Tinder so doesn’t make things feel any more untrue either. *I deleted mine a little bit into talking (most because I was kind of over the app in general).. He claims he deleted it too but since I don’t have my account anymore I can’t confirm it or not)

So what’s everyone’s take on this?

(I know this is long but please read so you have the details in mind..)