Am I wrong?

So I'm 37+3 now and for the last week and a half I've been fending off the worst cold of my life.

I was hospitalized 2 days ago for it and only came home this morning.

I've been diagnosed with an upper respiratory, ear, and severe sinus infection, laryngitis, and pink eye.

When I needed to go to the hospital, my SO was at work so my friend took me. Shes actually going to be there with me when I deliver, too.

I kept him posted on what was going on, naturally. He was visibly upset I didn't wait longer (I couldn't see straight, my head was throbbing, I couldn't stop coughing and my doctor said to get to L&D asap), then he asked who took me, like it wasn't obvious it was my friend.

He showed up to the hospital 2.5 hours after I was checked in. My friend texted me and told me he didn't believe me that she took me in and he only came to the hospital because "hes the jealous type and didnt want one of my male friends taking me home."

He works over nights and ended up sleeping the entire time he was with me at the hospital, so I had no help from him at all.

Because of the pain, I have barely slept in the last 48 hours. He has slept collectively 32 hours the last 2.5 days.

Since I'm pregnant theres only so much my doctor could give me for the pain and nothing he gave actually worked. When they discharged me today, I was excited to come home and sleep.

Initially I tried to sleep on the couch. The reason why is he over heats and then I wake up covered in sweat. He pulled me to bed, I told him I was exhausted and my reasons for choosing the couch, he said he'd stay on his side of the bed.

Not even 2 hours later I'm drenched in sweat, I had to remove all the clothes I was wearing. He was on my side of the bed barely allowing me 12 inches to sleep on. I tried to wake and move him, he wouldn't budge. So I left and went to lie on the couch.

I did not get to rest at all because we have roommates and they were slamming doors, yelling, and stomping around the house.

He slept from 12PM to 1045pm.

Because I've been so sick, we have not gone grocery shopping to replace the frozen/cold food we lost a few days due to a mass power outage. We don't have much in the house to eat at the moment because he cant go shopping himself.

I've not eaten since breakfast at 8am. He was aware of this.

When he woke he was upset I was still feeling ill, he didn't offer to help in anyway, when I mentioned the food he shrugged and said he had to leave soon, he was sorry.

His job is 10 minutes away, he left at 11:00, he starts at midnight.

So now I'm home alone, grateful to have my bed to myself, but of course I'm in tears because he doesn't seem to care at all about me or this child. He got mad at me for crying and told me I'm ungrateful.

Am I really wrong to be upset??

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