Mommy brain


As I sat here pumping (it's just after midnight) I just so happened to look down 12-13 minutes into my 15 minute pump session and noticed I had ONLY half an ounce each breast.

I was super freaking out like why? I just had to donate my entire stash for my son (I had leftover frozen about 120 oz) because my milk is contaminated with nuts and milk -- what he's allergic to... And I go back to work on Tuesday.

Well, I looked at my machine and saw I never fully connected the tubing back. Okay, I get that. It's late. I'm tired. But hear me out -- I didn't have the power source fully connected to my pump either!! As I placed the tubing back, I bumped the power cord and it shut off. I was like omg.

So now, I just sat here for 15 wasted minutes. I fixed everything and only wanted to sit for 5 more minutes and ended up with just enough for the next feed + what I collected in the haakaa.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who's done this 😂