Induction 37 weeks *UPDATE*


Was sent to the hospital yesterday afternoon (6/27) due to high blood pressure doctor said she thinks I have preeclampsia. Arrived around 1 and started the induction process around 2. First they tried the balloon method, which was horrendously painful and the doctor couldn’t successfully place it in my cervix.

He then inserted a pill in my cervix to get it to soften up and open. They checked me 4 hours later i was a bit softer but still only 1cm dilated. However contractions had started and they were kicking my ass. I wanted to have a natural labor buuut changed lol. I held out from 3-11:30 before I requested an epidural.

This epidural is magic. I feel sooo much better and was able to sleep a few hours. Well just around 3:30am i heard a little pop come from my stomach. Called the nurse and sure enough my water broke. He checked me and said i was about 2cm and my cervix is still high.

So now im just waiting it out to see how i progress. Hopefully my body puts things in drive and i have this little nugget by early afternoon.


The medicine they had me on got me to 5cm but after that I stopped progressing. They kicked up the pitocin hoping that would help me dilate but it was no use. I was just in a ton of pain for nothing and there was slight concern with how long it’d been since my water broke. I ended up giving in to the pain and the worry and got a c section. Baby boy was born at 10:16pm on June 28th 2019.