Week early! 2nd baby labour not sunshine and Rose's.


I went in for my 39 week appt and was 3cm dilated already and cervix ready to go. As I've been extremely uncomfortable with the pressure below and constant Braxton hicks, I had a membrane sweep done that morning around 11am. Throughout the day I had some spotting and some mild cramping that turned into consistent contractions (still far apart). By 8pm they were more intense but still far apart. Finally realized I was going into true labour when contractions were 5 mins apart and lasting 1 min..we got to the hospital by 12am next morning and when they checked me I was still 3cm dilated but they were really painful and to top it off, I also had back labour. Within an hour I dilated to 4/5cm so they admitted me. I had asked for an epidural and within another hour I dilated to 7cm.

I still had to wait another 1-2 hours for the epidural. I stayed at 7cm for 4 hours not progressing. Finally at 6am I went to 9 cm and they continued to move me around in different positions while my legs were frozen (so I was basically a sack of potatoes). Doctor checked by 8am and still nothing. the problem was baby was in anterior position facing the opposite way and when doctor checked my cervix again I was still 9 cm and water didnt break so he did it at that point. Now we waited- either baby was going to turn and make his way out or we were going to have to end up doing an emergency csection.

Doctor tried going in and manually turn baby but there was still some cervix and babys heart rate was dropping. So after 11 hours of labour we decided to do csection. I was terrified and had a panic attack that I was shaking throughout the entire procedure. My anxiety was so high and every drug they gave me to calm down...I vomited out. Surgery went well but I spiraled out of control and couldn't calm down. Finally all I remember is waking up groggy and not knowing where the hell I was.

But my baby boy came and that's all that matters. Born June 27th Ethan James at 6lbs 15oz 😍❤😊