Trying not to let her get to me


I thought me and mil was doing good but I have to admit as this baby gets closer to being here, she’s already starting to try to run and control things. I tell her baby is doing good, and she says oh okay so you are not going to still breastfeed are you? I say well yes I am going to try, no promises.She gives like 4 reasons why she believes it isn’t going to work. The main one being I don’t like to eat what she eats, so I’m not healthy for her enough to produce milk “to feed the baby”. One thing that bothers me most is being treated like a child,when I’m almost 30 years old. Let me do what I wish for my son. But if I snap I’m being mean and I don’t want her “help”. I was also informed that when I go into labor she wants to be called first so she can take my kids and wait there with us. I mean that’s cool or whatever but damn can I make my own plans for the birth of MY son?!? I’ve already let her influence the name change of my kid. I need strength. I woke up irritated lol sorry for the rant.