Follow up ultrasound. Very low heartbeat.


I had a follow up ultrasound because 10 days ago I measured at 5 weeks 0 days and there was just a gestational sac and yolk sac. So today we saw an embryo and the heartbeat. So we were really excited. Then they measured the heartbeat and it was only 64. It should be 100.. so I feel really dejected and disappointed. I saw studies that said if it was under 70 there was a 0% chance of survival. I asked the radiologist about it and she didn't confirm that. She said it's good that there is an embryo and heartbeat but it's worrying that it is so low. Also my HCG is going up but not increasing as fast as they want it to be. I have another ultrasound in a week. I don't think there is any chance that this will work out but do any of you have any success stories?