How would your SO react?

I woke up early in the morning to go dog sit and on the way there, I felt nauseous, my head was hurting and my nose was super runny. There was poop and pee everywhere (they’re not potty trained) so it took a while to clean up. I drove straight to my house to take out my dogs and then I went to my boyfriends house to take him to work. I didn’t have the best morning but I was happy to get some time together before he went to work.

I call him when I’m almost there and he told me what took me so long, and I was confused because I thought I was on time. Then I realized I forgot that I was supposed to show up earlier because he was going to drop me off and take my car to work.

So I said I was sorry and told him that I can just take him and pick him up so he won’t be late. He starts getting all upset at me and hangs up. I get there and he takes 3 minutes to come outside and he wasn’t even ready so if I would’ve shown up on time he wouldn’t have came out.

He starts getting all mad at me and says that I should’ve been on time, this is why he told me, he doesn’t feel like waiting for me to pick him up, etc. Now he’s cursing a bit and getting a little loud with me. I already apologized, I offered to take him so he wouldn’t be late, and he’s still angry.

Here’s the thing, I’m always on time and he’s always late (15+), so I told him that it slipped my mind, I’m sorry, and that if I would’ve shown up he wouldn’t have been ready anyways. (Side note, he’d only be like 5-8 minutes late). He got even more upset and I told him about my morning and he cut me off and said, “So because you had a crappy morning you’re going to use that as an excuse to throw unnecessary anger at me”. That pissed me off.

I’m doing him the favor of apologizing, offering to take him, lending him my car, and trying to make him understand that it was on accident and he wants to get so mad at me?

So I told him “Well my fucking bad” and he says something saying the word fucking too. At his point I stopped talking because it’s ridiculous that he’s always doing stuff like this. When he finally dropped me off, I reached for a quick peck on the lips to say bye because we always do and he was mugging me and moved and gave me half a kiss on my check and sped off.

It sucks that I make one small mistake and he gets so upset with me. And no he’s not having a bad morning because he acts like this all the time. We’ll play fight and I get hurt and I’ll move on, he gets hurt and he gets so mad. He forgets something and I’ll offer to help, I lose something and he tells me off. Does any of your SO’s act like this? Anybody have an SO that had anger issues?